Examples of What We Do

Over the years, in keeping with its vision and mission, the Winona County CJCC has tackled numerous difficult and multi-faceted criminal justice issues with the goal of producing better outcomes–both for the involved participants and the community at large. Below are just a few examples of the programs that the CJCC has created.  For more information, visit the pages in the pull-down menu under the Our Work tab and review the Main Council and Committee Minutes under the Minutes tab. 

Treatment Court

Started in 2012, the Winona County Treatment Court has been one of the CJCC’s most successful initiatives, transforming the lives of its participants so that they can become productive members of the community.

Diversion Programs

Winona County offers both adult and juvenile diversion programs for individuals accused of certain crimes as well as a truancy diversion program. These programs offer individuals an opportunity to avoid traditional court processing, often by offering opportunities at rehabilitative programming or restorative justice solutions


In 2009, as its first major initiative, the CJCC launched a jail re-entry program to assist individuals transitioning from the jail to the community. This program is now called the Winona Re-Entry Assistance Program Plus (WRAP+)